Henry Stenning
Horti-Technology / Agrilink NZ – Consultant
School: Orewa College
Training Institute: B.Science Biological Science at UoA
Current Employment: Agrilink NZ – Consultant
Despite falling into a completely unexpected field, for which I had no experience, I thoroughly enjoy working in the horticultural sector. The interplay between biology, engineering and business makes it a fascinating industry with no shortage of unique areas to develop an interest in. My daily routine is often incredibly varied from one day to the next, with some days being spent entirely on the computer handling and analysing large sets of data, and with other days being spent in the field digging up soil cores and testing them in our lab back at the office. I’ve been lucky enough to travel to Wellington, Taupo, Tauranga, and the Hawkes Bay after having spent only a year and a half in the industry and I have also been lucky enough to have taken part in a large and varied amount of conferences, workshops, seminars and demonstrations.
If I could go back and do it all again, the only thing I would change would be to have put myself on a horticultural track straight out of school, perhaps studying agronomy or specialising in plant biology in university. Unfortunately, my school and university never particularly emphasised horticulture as a potential career, and I would advise current and future school leavers to do their own research into the potential careers in the horticulture sector, and to plan their future studies or work experience with that in mind.